well, i seem to be seriously falling behind on keeping up here... and there really isn't anything too terribly exciting to mention. work has been great. henry and i managed to get away for a few days and he took his first two airplane rides (one good, one not so good). sean should be home in the next 7-14 days (thank you, army, for killing me with anticipation).
henry is now a whopping 5 months old. he's become VERY interested in real food, and sean was awesome and ordered us a food processor and
these little doohickey's to get the ball rolling. i've been reading Feeding Baby Green, and i got a little baby recipe book, and we're going to just go ahead and skip the whole rice cereal/jarred baby food hoopla and get down to business with some good old fashioned organic green veggies! yay! i'm pretty excited about the whole thing, not to mention the money we'll save by just feeding him what we're eating anyway. but i'll stop there before i get preachy...

he's got two tiny teeth that want to come in, but have yet to break through. and he's painfully close to sitting up on his own, though he seems more eager to stand and that frightens me. time to break out the baby gate. he's still not sleeping through the night (and it irritates me to no end that it's the first thing people ask, and look at me like i'm a horrible mother when i have to say "no, he's not"), but he's finally got a more pleasant personality and he's constantly doted on by strangers at the store who comment that he's such a good and/or happy baby! i agree! he likes to try to eat the books when i'm reading to him, and he still likes to give me hickeys (one on the neck the other day... didn't even notice it until i got to work), loves taking baths and just yesterday he graduated to the medium sized gdiapers! woo-hoo! he sings and talks and makes little noises. sometimes big noises too.
in a nutshell, things will be perfect just as soon as sean sets his ridiculously mustachioed face back on colorado soil.