his teeth finally quit bothering him (until next time), and with that the fevers and snot fests disappeared.
we've been trying to take the kids on hikes every weekend, but the weather hasn't been cooperating lately. we did have great weather on mother's day and got some good exploring in.
sean and i also attended his last army prom a few weeks ago. the last time he gets to dress up in his fancy pants and drink too much with his army pals. being my first such event, i was a little shocked at how seriously all the army wives take this sort of thing. it really was like prom. big puffy dresses and crazy hair and me in my little black dress that i can still breastfeed in. i was really only there for the cheesecake (god, the cheesecake...). sean tried to steal someone's sword. it didn't work out, unfortunately. oh, army hi-jinks :) only 18 days left!!