well, i
finally finished the curtains for our bedroom. whew! i spent most of yesterday doing that since i was basically stuck at home waiting to hear about my car (which is fine, by the way. the check engine light just didn't get reset last time.). i also got a bunch of birthday cards made.
today jeff is at school taking his 5 hour (bleh) algorithms mid-term. it really almost gives me a headache to even think about it. so i went to hobby lobby. there were two pretty exciting things about this trip in particular: first, i figured out how to get there using the highways (gasp!). it really wasn't that much faster, but i avoided about 200 sinkholes, so i think it's worth it. secondly, i bought so much crap that i'll be busy crafting well into next year. happy early birthday to me.
and, this has nothing to do with anything, but when we were listening to our saturday morning npr shows, they were doing the pledge drive- i can't believe how much money they get people to give for such a crappy station!! i think the KGOU drives raise around 130k biannually. the station here, where if you want to listen to anything but classical music you have to buy an HD radio, raised 23,000 just during ONE show this morning. i was shocked. jeff and i were both loyal members of the station in OK. but, i'm sorry, if i have to spend $200 on a radio just to listen to PUBLIC radio...
i don't know what we'd do without podcasts.
oh oh! and i am super excited that starting this monday we have a forecast with highs in the 70's!!! for at least 3 days!! i may see fall yet.