Tuesday, April 15, 2008

big day.

i've been really wishy-washy lately about this little blog here and what she looks like. last night i came up with the current title area stuff. it makes me laugh. let's hope it stays a while.

TODAY i won a crazy awesome camera on ebay. i simply cannot wait until it gets here. ants in the pants, anyone? yes please. SO EXCITED. LOOK AT ALL THESE CAPS! THAT'S HOW EXCITED I AM!

also, another fun quote from work, on pandas:

"what are the chances of getting slaughtered when you just want a hug?"

bears. beets. battlestar gallactica.

netflix suggested battlestar gallactica this week, based on my (5 star) ratings on twin peaks and helvetica. um. what? jeff says it's cause they all have cult followings. i say it's cause netflix isn't smart.
going to okc in 1.5 months!

warning! do you have chloomydia??? cause i think you should.

and one more thing to tug at your heartstrings... or at least it's yankin' on mine,

"Because watching the latent image appear in the tray or on the film is what got us addicted in the first place. Because you can’t intimidate anyone with a polaroid camera. Because there is joy in the simple, tactile experience. Because the process can sometimes be as important as the final result. Because digital isn’t the answer to everything. Because running across an old polaroid of your kids while searching for something in your dresser drawer floors you in a way that calling up digital files on your computer never will." Dan Marshall, on Savepolaroid.com

okay, goodnight.

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