Tuesday, May 13, 2008

i made chewy fudge brownies tonight. i really really wish they would hurry up and cool so i can shove my face into them. it made the apartment smell so good!

our a/c quit yesterday. i realize that some of you don't understand how big of a deal this is, but it's been 90 here this week. 90. and rainy, so freakin humid. ugh. luckily, the fix-it guys were super quick.

i bought some cheap books on my lunch break today, and i'm hoping they'll be much more cheerful than poor jude. got a couple more jane austen, and tom robbins' half asleep in frog pajamas.

also, jeff gave me his old ipod. i've never had an ipod before. this is pretty exciting for me, even though it's like twice the thickness and weight as his iphone. still. awesome.

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