my new favorite movie is broken english. if you've seen it, and you know anything about me at all, you probably know why. it has been added to my shortlist of movies that i can watch a millions times without tiring of it. that being said, i watched it again last night. and my mom called at 6 this morning (forgetting the time difference), after which i couldn't get back to sleep. thus, my own version of the little rain cloud necklace was born around 7:30 this morning.
my favorite etsy version is here.
i'm currently waiting for the rental car place to pick me up, then i'm off to spend thanksgiving in northern kansas with my parents and grandma. i'm especially excited about:
sweet potatos
mashed potatos
home made rolls
(starch, anyone?)
5 cup salad (please be there. please please)
punkin pie
roaming around the tiniest town in america with my polaroid
crochet time
spending 3 days not worrying about how i'm going to pay my bills
hope you all have a great holiday! thank a native american for being alive!
love the necklace! it's awesome.
i have not seen broken english but it is in my netflix queue so soon.
you have a job, yes? or did something happen? (not that it's any of my business, but you've mentioned some stress about rent/bills.)
safe travels and happy thanksgiving!!
the job is no more :( i've picked up something part time, starting next week, but i'm in serious need of another part time or full time gig. i hate hate hate job hunting.
the movie is sooooooooo good. i hope you love it :)
p.s. keep an eye out for a polaroid wall in the movie
sorry about the job! i know how it goes. i remain jobless, though i am lucky in that the hubby has plenty of work so we're not in dire straits. i too hate hate hate job hunting. and the job market sucks in santa fe. ugh.
i'll try to buy some more buttons soon! i think i need some more magnets...
I haven't ever heard of that movie, but I'll check it out.
I'm still waiting on your head size! Also, are there any color combos that you prefer? If you could give me a few it would be awesome.
Marta, Sebastian, and I hope you're having a great holiday season! Talk to you soon, Erin.
ack! sorry! my head is 21.5 inches, and i love light greens and blues and all kinds of browns :)
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