Tuesday, February 24, 2009
...and again
in any case, i did accept one of them.
no more driving to denver
only working one full-time job
very close to my house- perhaps even biking distance.
real weekends
i have to essentially quit the job i really like
it's in a field i've never really dealt with before, which kind of scares me.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
so, a friend from high school (ahem, beth mccune, blonde in the front row there) started posting some pretty hilarious pictures on facebook from way back when. this one is circa 1994. kathy and ricky in the back. beth's friend (whose name i can never remember), beth, myself, and kendall (yes, the same kendall) in the front.
okc zoo.

p.s. i still have and wear that shirt.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
25 things, way too late.
1. i have no intention of putting this on facebook for a couple of reasons: i know fewer people will read it here, and i'm too self-conscious to tag anyone.
2. i've read more stories about the "25 things" phenomenon than actual "25 things" lists. this one is my favorite so far.
3. i wish i could ride my bike more. my current excuses: i don't have time, it's dark, it's cold, the mountains turn my legs into spaghetti after about 2 minutes.
4. in general, i look awful in hats. but i love them and wear them anyway.
5. making lists is probably one of my all time favorite things.
6. the craigslist personals are my funny pages. (colorado missed connections are my favorite. lots of "i got high with you last night but can't remember your name. or what you look like. but you were hot so we should do it sometime.")
7. there are actually a handful of things i miss about houston. being damp all the time isn't one of them.
8. i try not to get my hopes up about anything. ever.
9. i sort of resent being able to work more hours, now that i can, because i don't have enough time to read as much or watch any movies.
10. i've never loved winter until this year.
11. i get terribly annoyed with people who don't use correct grammar (speaking or writing). however, i break the rules all the time.
12. i'm incredibly anxious to try the new polaroid replacement next year.
13. when my camera broke, i cried as if someone close to me had died. for about a day.
14. i scoffed at whitney's huge-ass tv... until i watched the office on it. no, i'll never get one myself. but i suppose maybe they aren't the work of satan.
15. i wish carl kasell would do my voicemail message.
16. thai tea has got to be the most delicious drink on the planet.
17. i talk to my cats as if they are people.
18. like Special Agent Dale Cooper, i like to give myself a little present everyday.
19. i hate driving, and wish i could get rid of my car for good.
20. if it was more appropriate, i'd dress like a 50's housewife everyday.
21. my dad's handwriting would make a beautiful font.
22. i think david caruso is cool. in that awful sort of way.
23. even though i've lived in this high and dry climate for 6 months, i still get a bloody nose nearly every morning.
24. i love teeth.
25. it took me 3 days to make this list.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
happy valentines day, courtesy of the fine folks at McSweeney's:
- - - -
Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie. I was going to take you out to a romantic candlelit dinner at a three-star Michelin-rated restaurant followed by a night of dancing and marathon lovemaking, but, given the economy this year, none of those things will be possible. Instead of a fancy dinner, all I can offer you is a modest meal I've prepared using only the items readily available to me in my apartment. But cheer up, honey. We can still make this special. Look on the bright side. We'll still be dining by candlelight, as I could not afford utilities this month and am currently without electricity or hot water. I also sold my king-size bed for $100 on Craigslist.
I know you're disappointed. I'm disappointed, too.
Please have a seat. I'm sorry the floor is so cold. Here's a pillow you can sit on. Let me tell you a little bit about the dishes I've prepared. To whet your appetite, I thought we'd start with this plate of the finest cheeses that my local Shell station had to offer. This bright yellow cheese is genuine Kraft Cheez Whiz, generally available in Canada, Venezuela, and the freezer aisle of your nearest Walgreens. It's typically served as a dip or a sauce or eaten like soup with a large metal spoon. Please enjoy. The second type of cheese is of the cottage variety. Many prefer to eat cottage cheese with salads or fruit, but the closest thing I could find was a box of Raisinets left over from a Halloween party.
Before I forget, thanks again for bringing the wine. Unfortunately, I pawned my set of crystal wine glasses last week, so we'll have to use these 32-ounce souvenir Slurpee cups from 7-Eleven that were left in the backseat of my car.
On second thought, I think this cottage cheese is actually curdled milk. Let's move on to the main course, then, shall we?
For our main course, I've cooked my famous shrimp scampi in a white-wine-and-garlic reduction sauce. However, due to a shortage of proper ingredients in my apartment, I've had to improvise on the recipe. In place of linguini, I've used ramen noodles, and I've substituted bacon bits for shrimp. I didn't have any Chardonnay, so I deglazed everything in rubbing alcohol. It's topped off with dried marijuana leaves and crushed generic ibuprofen as a garnish. The bacon might have a bit of a sweaty taste to it, but the rubbing alcohol should take the edge off it.
I only have one large bowl to eat out of, but that should add to the romance. Perhaps we will even choose two ends of the same ramen noodle unknowingly and, slurping our way to the middle, our pursed lips will meet in a moment of preservative-laden bliss like Lady and her Tramp.
I know this meal isn't much, but I want you to know that every morsel of it was cooked with love (and leftover bacon grease, because I didn't have any olive oil). I'm so sorry I couldn't give you the special Valentine's Day you deserve, the romantic getaway I had begun planning months ago, when I had a high-powered finance job and the will to live. But this is what love is about, dear. Love is about sticking with each other through thick and thin, through good times and bad, through wealth and agonizing, soul-crushing poverty. It's about supporting someone and not judging him, even if he has contracted scurvy and his only source of income is making regular deposits at the local sperm bank.
I love you so much, darling. Happy Valentine's Day. Bon appétit!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
i managed to get a head start on button-making for the local shop. i got done about 1/3 of what i want to put in next month.
so the new job is interesting. i'm going to refrain from expanding on it until i get more of a feel for the place, though i will admit that i am pretty much in love with the street/neighborhood where it's located. also, the commute is long. very long. but doable for the present. and not too much infuriating traffic to contend with.