the tiny little hemangioma (this is what the smart people call it, though i'm not convinced that's actually what it is) i've had on the end of my finger for about 10 years decided to throw a little fit this week. on the floor. kicking and screaming. i haven't been able to stop it from gushing blood (lovely, yes?) for about 3 days, and it was starting to hurt, so we decided to get some profesional help. it had managed to clot by the time i actually saw the doctor, so she scrubbed it until it spewed and then put this weird powdery stuff on it to make it clot. and then they wrapped it. tight. and suggested i talk to a surgeon about having it "dug out"... the thought of which makes me want to hurl. the most fun part was when i was bleeding all over the room and nearly passed out. leah had to put my hair up cause i was dripping with sweat, but after some apple juice and graham crackers i felt a lot better.
pro: now i can flip people off without even trying.
1 comment:
Eww! Blood makes me pass out, too. Especially mine. I bet they'd put you out for the surgery, may not be too bad. Glad you're ok. :)
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