Monday, March 22, 2010

gag me.

hm. so the one thing that i'm pretty awful at at this particular juncture in my life is the one and only thing i have to do upwards of 8 times a day.

i'm not a good pill taker. but because i haven't been able to keep much food down, my midwife has put me on a high protein, low sugar diet, with an excruciatingly enormous amount of pills every day. to help the medicine (aka food) go (stay) down. except that taking the pills makes the medicine want to come back up and say hello.

also, why is it that protein bars look so yummy on the package, but taste like ass?


MeZAndEMakes3 said...

I know what you mean. I was so sick for the first 5 or 6 months of my pregnancy, that I had 3 docs tell me to expect a miscarriage. I was a trooper though. I wanted to prove them wrong, and I did!
I lived off of sprite and saltine crackers. I couldn't eat a thing. I lost weight up until about 5 or 6 months, then slowly started gaining.
I was working 3 jobs and would have to run to the bathroom to puke all the time. Hopefully it will go away soon. I craved grapes, and they weren't too bad on the tummy.
They have these things at Motherhood Maternity called Preggie Pop Drops. They are like those little cherry, orange and lemon hard candies, but you are supposed to suck on them and they make the naseous feeling go away. I ate them all the time. I also heard peppermints are good for nausea, but they have a lot of sugar so you might not want to do that.
Good luck, and I hope the sickies go away soon. :)

erin. said...

yeah, it's pretty miserable. but this whole protein thing seems to be working... slowly but surely. i feel like i eat nothing BUT protein, and everything has that same horrible smell, but i'm not constantly puking anymore so i'd say that's a step in the right direction :)

Joni said...

You need Cookies and Cream Promax bars. I am addicted to those things. I spent my first two years in CO looking for a place that sells them. Finally found the place and it's well worth the 20 mile drive.