20 weeks! finally hit the halfway mark, which is a relief. as sean said last night, "it's only downhill from here.... except for that whole labor and delivery part."
i'm feeling a lot better; no pain, less nausea. thank goodness. we did the ultra sound at our appointment this weekend to make sure there was still a girl in there.... but now we're not so sure. could've been a penis, could've been the cord. guess we'll have to wait a few more weeks to know for sure. but the shemale is definitely getting a lot bigger! and stronger! last night we could feel her kicking from the outside. it was pretty cool.
i feel like there really isn't anything else going on in my life right now except this whole baby business...and i'm satisfied with that. i got sean addicted to Bones a couple weeks ago, so that seems to take up all the time we aren't cooing and poking at my belly.
one of these days i'll get my etsy shop back up. i spent some quality crafty time down in the basement last night and it got me all excited to start some new projects.
1 comment:
yay! glad you are feeling better. when are you due? and be sure to let me know when you know for sure about boy or girl so i know whether to send pink or blue. or maybe green. :)
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