Friday, June 25, 2010

home again

i am exhausted! i knew that getting re-acclimated to the elevation would be harder than normal this time around, but i didn't expect to be completely worthless. oh well. we had a super fantastic vacation, and it's wonderful to be home... even if i can't get up. to make things even more exciting, since the moment we entered colorado Henry has not stopped wiggling. something gave him a little jump-start and he went from 10-20 movements/day to "hey, i'm gonna see how many cartwheels i can do without throwing up!" he's been cartwheeling for 24 hours.

i have a bazillion photos to post, only a few of which i've managed to get up on flickr so far. i shot a few rolls of 35mm, so i'll have to get off my tush and have them developed at some point...

1 comment:

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

So sorry we missed you when you were here! :( I'm glad you had a great trip. We need to get Henry's baby present in the mail soon!