Saturday, August 21, 2010

36 weeks.

today we bought all the supplies we might possibly need for the home birth. it was an incredibly long list, but i feel better now knowing that if i happen to go early we are completely prepared.

my shingles are just about gone, and the pain is down to that of a minor sunburn. no one has broken out in chicken pox yet, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed that no one will.

in general, i'm just exhausted. my feet look like potatoes with little sausage toes, and sean calls my belly button a "tummy anus." my maternity shirts are too small, none of my maternity pants are comfortable anymore, and my shoes have been stolen and replaced with ones that will never fit my feet. i've taken to wearing dresses and leggings pretty much all the time. if only i could wear sandals to work...

but aside from all that i'm feeling pretty good!

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