I went a little nuts today, and after doing some hardcore grocery and hobby lobby shopping (where logan announced to the entire store that his daddy is white...) we came home and i cleaned like a maniac, painted and hung a shelf for the bathroom, potted 5 plants, did 3 loads of laundry, and rearranged henry's room so that we'll have room for the birth pool (arriving this week!). i also attempted to crochet a hat for logan and failed miserably.... you could fit 2 adults in that thing.
i bought some plaster and am going to do my best to make a belly cast tonight. i got enough for a couple of tries, just in case...

i found this book at the thrift store the other day. i've actually been looking for a copy of it for over 10 years... it was a staple at our house when i was little and this is the first time i've ever been able to find it anywhere. i nearly peed myself.
hi! we just got back from vacation and i had to come check on you right away. thanks for the bday wishes...
how awesome that you found your book!
and good grief, you get more done than i do and i am not pregnant.
yay! how was vacation? can't wait to see the photos!!!
yeah, i feel like i'm in panic mode most of the time now... i figure if i haven't gone into labor yet i may as well get as much done as i possibly can to prepare. my last day of work is next friday... if i go past my due date i may end up painting the house!
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