Monday, February 11, 2008

past bedtime.

why can't i sleep anymore?

i read something the other day about how people who use their cell phones right before bed have a much harder time sleeping.

except i don't use my phone before bed. or ever, really.

and i actually do sleep, eventually... but it's always restless. and filled with weird dreams. and not my typical dreams, which have always been quite elaborate, but more scary weird.

why am i even posting this?

so, cookie monster was on the bryant park project today. or at least the one we listened to today. and it may have been a cookie monster re-run from a while back, but it was great nonetheless.

he eats cookies. and bicycles. and fire hydrants. in case you didn't know.

also, houston had our very own Anonymous protest yesterday. i'd comment on that, but i don't want to get sued.

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