Monday, February 11, 2008

{heart}breaking news.

by closing plants in the netherlands, mexico and massachusetts, Polaroid will be ceasing production of instant film by the end of this year.

thanks a lot, assholes.

my plan: buy nothing but 600, 690, and 669 film for the next 10 months. ug. this is going to be expensive.

this is something that's been talked about for years, and the fact that it's actually going to happen... well, it just makes me incredibly sad. i've never gotten more joy from photography as i do when i'm waiting for one of those stinkin things to develop.

i guess it's a good thing i've got a stash of 120 and 35 in the fridge.


Emily said...

Oh no!

I'm so sorry, that's terrible.

jessica said...

i had no idea! good luck with your quest.

erin. said...

thanks guys. my reaction thus far has been to just stop shooting. hopefully i'll get over it. i've started trading stuff on etsy for polaroid packs :)