Thursday, February 7, 2008

slow day.

this is a very strange week. my routine is completely broken. oh well.

after a long, much needed hiatus from burroughs (i tried unsuccessfully to read the nova trilogy a couple years ago), i'm giving the western lands a try. we'll see how that goes. i've been surviving on my stash of unread books since we moved here, but the pile is rapidly diminishing... i'm going to have to just suck it up and see if i can find a used bookstore that i like. i've even put together a rough list of titles to look for, but i'm always looking for suggestions...

jeff's going climbing this weekend... driving halfway across texas to find a spot that is supposedly very similar to quartz mountain, where he used to climb in ok. he's been going to the climbing gym several nights a week with the outdoor club. that, plus his more manageable workload, is making our lives much more pleasant.

i have a little less than a little less (it's february, after all) than a month to decide who to vote for. thus far, i'm finding it almost impossible. and i'm not looking for reasons why i should go this way or that. i have all the information i need. and i probably won't decide until i have the ballot in my hand (mom, you wont be alone...).

on a happier note, nate and leah (in colorado) are the delegates for their precinct and get to go to the democratic national convention in denver!! hooray!

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