Tuesday, August 17, 2010

There's nothing like a shingles breakout to make you forget all your other aches and pains....


MeZAndEMakes3 said...

Are you sure it's shingles? Right after I had Zoie, when I was in the hospital I started noticing all these bumps all over me. I couldn't figure out what it was. I started getting a rash from head to toe, all over my arms, legs, thighs, stretch marks, armpits... I couldn't figure out what it was. I went to 3 or 4 different docs and a trip to the ER. I had diagnoses like, "Hives from the stress of labor; severe allergy to latex; shingles..." But I didn't think any of them were right. I went to my OBGYN and she reffered me to a specialist. After 8 weeks of intense itching, being on steroid medication (therefore not being able to breastfeed) and being just plain miserable during the HOT summer months, the diagnosis: PUPPP. Apparently it is something that you can get with your first born child and it happens once. Look into it and make sure that isn't it. Being itchy and bumpy is the worst. Let me know!!

erin. said...

oh yes, definitely shingles. they thought it might be something else so they tested it right away. it's very localized on my chest and armpit- so pleasant! just hope I don't end up giving everyone chicken pox :)